Introduction to Forex Hedging Strategies


Determining the future change in the direction of an exchange rate takes prudent research. And many traders focus on the forex markets to find opportunities that will generate profits when the market … [Read more...]

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Understanding Order Flow in the Forex Market


The spot currency market is the largest financial market in the world transacting more than several trillion dollars of turnover every day.  Every time you enter a trade into your online trading … [Read more...]

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Tips on Using a Forex Economic Calendar


Today we will discuss one of the most important trading tools that every forex trader should be using on a daily basis. This is the Forex economic calendar, which details upcoming economic releases, … [Read more...]

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Range Bound Market Strategies Explained


There are numerous articles written about techniques that can be employed to take advantage of emerging trends. Less has been written about how a trader should approach range bound market conditions, … [Read more...]

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