There is often a debate within financial circles as to whether the best mode for investing is based on a passive approach or an active approach. There are adamant supporters for each style of trading. … [Read more...]
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One of the most fascinating aspects of human behavior, is our tendency to become consumed by the next big thing. And many times, we become so enthralled that our sense of reality and our rational … [Read more...]
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There are many ways to gain exposure to the currency markets. Over the past decade, foreign currency ETFs have surged in popularity, allowing those who have equity brokerage accounts to gain … [Read more...]
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Many of the technical analysis techniques commonly used by modern day forex traders had their origins in the early part of the last century, and a leading contributor to technical analysis theory was … [Read more...]
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Can portfolio managers outperform the major averages? More than four decades ago Princeton economist Burton Malkiel wrote his classic book “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” in which he argued … [Read more...]
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